
🗡44 BCE – A Game of Strategy and Betrayal🗡

Created by Gray Forrest Games

Shifting all-on-one strategy tabletop game for 2 to 5 players that takes about 30 min/player.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Let's Talk Stretch Goals
over 2 years ago – Sun, May 29, 2022 at 11:59:49 PM

All Current Stretch Goals Unlocked

You all have been amazing through these first few days of our campaign! We truly appreciate each of you and the support and enthusiasm that you have shown towards bringing 44 BCE to life! You have helped us unlock all four of our new game content stretch goals, the Roman Luxury Structures, the Gods of Architecture Structures, the Merchants & Archer Decks, and the Leaders Deck! With all of these new structures and Recruits, each game of 44 BCE that you play will truly be unique there are now over 10,000,000,000,000 variations to game setup!

Please help to keep the momentum going by sharing the 44 BCE campaign with your family, friends, and anyone that you know that would make a great first emperor of Rome!

FAQ Section Posted

As you have learned more and more about the game and our campaign, you have come up with quite a few good (and common) questions. So we have updated the FAQ section of our 44 BCE campaign page. Please take some time to go check out our FAQ, and let us know if we have missed any important questions.

What Is Next?

Since we have hit all of our updated game content goals for 44 BCE, we are wondering ... What would you like to see as the next stretch goal? Send us a message and let us know! We will send out an announcement and update our 44 BCE campaign page soon with the best suggestion!

Project Update #2: Project We Love
over 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 05:35:02 AM

Wow! Not only have you all helped us get funded in 65 minutes, but because of the amazing support that you have shown for us, we have become a project that Kickstarter loves! Thank you so much!

Additionally, you have helped to unlock our first 3 stretch goals, the Roman Luxury Structures, the Gods of Architecture Structures, and the Merchants & Archer Decks. We are ready to add more by unlocking our next stretch goal, the Leaders Deck! Please continue to support us and help unlock this next stretch goal by sharing the 44 BCE campaign with your family and friends.

These new decks, Legatus, Consul, and Patrician, will add even more variety to the Recruit pool. These are the top-level Recruits in 44 BCE and are more difficult to Enlist into your service. Once you have these Recruits Enlisted, they will pay off big time with 3 Authority. They will also help you to earn resources, gain tiebreakers, or provide a bit of independence from other players. 

I do really like to be independent, but it is so satisfying to squeak out a win because you had that extra tiebreaker.

Which one of these benefits fits more with your natural style of play? 

Thank you so much for your support!

Holt, Kelly & Christian

Gray Forrest Games

Project Update #1: Fully Funded
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 04:51:02 AM

Some of you might have noticed that we managed to fully fund the project in 65 minutes! 

While we are being told that most people don't care about the time it takes to fund, for us, as first-time creators, this meant a lot to us. 

We are so grateful for every one of you!

Some of you have asked us about the stretch goals, and we wanted to use this update to announce our first one.  

Roman Luxury will unlock nine new structures (3 in each era). 

These structures are more expensive, but offer greater benefits, if you can find a way to afford them! 

These new structures offer new combos and synergies, but they also significantly increase the replayability of the game.

The best thing is: 

We ALREADY unlocked it!

The next stretch goal will be 

Gods of Architecture will unlock four new statues. 

By building these statues you will be able to gain extra Imperium during end game scoring for all other structures that you have built throughout the game. 

These new statues play very well with a support strategy and also significantly increase the replayability of the game.

Which character are you most looking forward to playing first?

My favorite is Octavian, not only is he the one true emperor, but his color is green and that is my color for games!