
🗡44 BCE – A Game of Strategy and Betrayal🗡

Created by Gray Forrest Games

Shifting all-on-one strategy tabletop game for 2 to 5 players that takes about 30 min/player.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ready to Learn The Rules!?!
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 03:13:20 PM

Hello friends, Romans, countrymen!

We hope you're all buzzing with excitement—because we sure are! We have exciting news to share to elevate your anticipation for 44 BCE. Game shipments have started!

We know you're eager to dive into 44 BCE, so we've made it easy for you to start. You can now head to the link below to download or print the rules. We will also post the rules on BoardGameGeek (BGG), so you can access them anytime.

Here are the links:

  1. Download or Print Rules
  2. BGG Rules Page

We're not just handing you the rules and leaving you to figure them out independently. We are here to make sure you're fully prepared for the adventure that awaits.

We are opening the floor for questions! Have you got something on your mind about the rules? How does a specific mechanic work? Are you curious about the historical inspiration behind a particular game aspect? Whatever it is, we're here to help.

If you have any questions or need clarification, please reach out. We're all ears and ready to assist you on your journey to becoming a 44 BCE master!

With the rules in your hands, games on the way, and our unwavering support, you have the potential to conquer the ancient world in 44 BCE! We believe in your ability to master this game and are excited to see you rise to the challenge.

Thank you again for your incredible support!

Christian, Kelly, & Holt

Almost Ready to Ship to You
7 months ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 12:55:28 PM

Friends, Romans, countrymen!

We've got some super exciting news to share with you! Our project is moving full steam ahead, and your rewards are almost here! All shipments are zooming to the fulfillment centers by the end of this week. It's a big deal for us, and we are so grateful for your incredible patience and unwavering support.

Get ready for fun (and maybe a little backstabbing) because we're preparing everything to send your games out. We will send instructions to the fulfillment centers on Monday, April 8, 2024. And guess what? Now's the perfect time to give you a gentle nudge about checking your address. We will lock in addresses soon to ensure your rewards land safely on your doorstep. So, take a breather this weekend and make sure we've got the correct address for you.

We know you're as excited as we are to get your hands on these games. Your backing is not just a contribution; it's a crucial part of this project. It means the world to us, and we can't wait to share the finished product with you.

If you have any questions or thoughts or want to say hi, we're here! Your happiness is our primary goal, and we're dedicated to making this whole experience super smooth for you.

Thanks a bunch for your incredible support!

Christian, Kelly, and Holt

44 BCE Is In Route to Hubs
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 05:55:28 PM

Friends, Romans, countrymen!

We hope this message finds you bubbling with anticipation because we've got some fantastic updates!

Your copy of 44 BCE is currently making its way to our distribution hubs. The journey, though not without its challenges, is on track, with a few Roman-like maneuvers needed to navigate issues in the Red Sea and Panama Canal.

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for – we are set to begin the shipping process in March with delivery completed in April! It's almost time to dive into the rise of the Roman Empire right from your gaming table!

Please mark your calendars for Friday, March 8th, 2024 – that's when we'll be charging credit cards for shipping and new orders. Your continued support is the chariot that propels this conquest forward.

For those opting for local pick-up, get ready for some exciting events in March! We will send you all the details soon, so keep an eye on your inbox for the where and when of your 44 BCE pick-up party.

We are grateful for your support and can not wait for you to experience the thrill of 44 BCE. Thank you for being an essential part of this historical journey!

Christian, Kelly, and Holt

Exciting News about Manufacturing!
9 months ago – Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 03:57:37 PM

Hello friends, Romans, countrymen!

We've got some exciting news! Drumroll, please... 44 BCE is officially out of the oven! We wrapped up making a whole bunch of them, and now they're packed up on these giant pallets, gearing up for the ultimate cruise to our distribution hubs.

Here are some exclusive behind-the-scenes shots just for you! Check out a peek of 44 BCE, all packed up and ready to roll.

In the next 3 to 4 weeks, we will charge credit cards for shipping. We will shoot you a heads-up with the exact date two weeks before the charge happens.

Oh, and if you have not completed your backer survey yet, now's the time to fill out your backer survey.

A huge thanks for being part of bringing 44 BCE to! Get ready for some serious fun – it's almost game time!

Thank you!
Christian, Kelly, & Holt

Nearing the End of Mass Production
11 months ago – Sat, Dec 09, 2023 at 09:08:12 AM

Friends, Roman, countrymen!

As we edge closer to the finish line of our monumental journey with 44 BCE, we are excited to share the latest updates with you, our steadfast allies!

The production sample from the manufacturer's mass production run has undergone rigorous scrutiny for quality and precision—and we're thrilled to report that it sailed through with flying colors!

Printing has been completed, and assembly is now underway. We expect the mass production process to be completed in the next 7 to 10 days! Once this crucial step is complete, the next phase—shipping from our manufacturer to distribution centers—will be set in motion as planned.

Furthermore, 44 BCE has undergone safety standards testing to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience for all. We have received the final safety report. 

While we had aimed to place 44 BCE into your hands before Christmas, it appears that this journey will extend slightly into the new year. Your patience and unwavering support mean the world to us. Rest assured, we are dedicated to delivering 44 BCE into your hands and onto your gaming tables!

As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and your understanding amidst this process has been invaluable. We cannot wait to share this incredible game with you!

Thank you for being a crucial part of this incredible adventure!

Christian, Kelly, & Holt